Friday, June 19, 2009

More on Communist Block Architecture Later, but First, a Tour......

I am living with my cousin Andrius, his wife, Jurga, their daughter Meta (who called me teta-aunt today), and Mashka, the dog.  They bought their flat from my dad's cousin Albinas, who is living in Russia now.  This was the first place we ever stayed in Lithuania when my dad brought us here in 2000.  It looked very different then. Andrius is some kind of a designer, I still don't fully understand what he does, but he and his brother 

did most of the interior themselves. One of my favorite things about it is that there are old mirrors everywhere that they got from a theater's storehouse.  In Soviet times, only film studios and theaters were allowed to bring in goods from other countries, so these mirrors are warm vintage.  Most home furnishings in Lithuania are either super "modern" or 195o's USSRish.  

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