Saturday, July 18, 2009

Noriu miegoti

I am home from camp.  By home, I mean my Vilnius home.  Chicago will see me in 2 weeks.  I chose no sleep over 1.5 hours of sleep last night, and while I regret no moment of that extremely logical decision, I have no brain power to tell you tales from Pasaka.  I will say this. It is a run-down Soviet summer camp with toilet-paperless toilets, a 1:125 shower:people ratio, and sheets that are too small for beds that are too small for me.  It is full of smelly kids and we eat potatoes 3 times a day.  I think it is the most beautiful place on earth. My heart is heavy from leaving and breaks a little more every time I think of the children who only get two weeks a year to belong.

I will recount my adventures in the next few days, but for now I leave you with these two videos, which pretty much sum up Camp Viltis at Pasaka for me (we're missing the daytime teacher training piece, but this is the fun stuff.....)

1. How I spent the afternoon before my birthday.  I spent my actual birthday in bed eating saltines and drinking 7-up and throwing up occasionally.  I do not believe this was related to the items in this video.  I believe it was related to mass produced meals and food-bourn illnesses. 

2. Obouliu Maisas: Every night there is some "entertainment" for the families.  APPLE programa was responsible for Tuesday.  I should be flattered that the teachers think enough of my new language skills to give me a speaking role.  And I can admit, that when children are involved, things that would ordinarily be head in the sand humiliating become kinda fun.  

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